Artillery Gun Boss - (Trion World - "End of Nations")

End of Nations – Artillery Gun Boss
This model was a test bed for the game’s spawn points. The version showcased was utilized as just a weapon, an alternate version had a garage door that spewed tanks, smoke, and red strobing lights. All of my assets were started from scratched and seen through to implementation into the game engine. Barrel recoils and turret rotations were again manipulated through a complex rig of bones and then Havok for the spectacular deathly destruct state. The FX on this unit were gargantuan, absurdly over-the-top, and fun as heck to develop. Again, these animated functions are visible in the aforementioned demo reel.
One thing to note is the almost seamless tiling of the concrete shell at the base of the turret leading up to the metal of the turret. Concrete proved a nice texture to randomly rotate and move UVWs to take away tiling textures from a unit so large that patterns would look amateur-ish.

Here we have a detailed view of the rear of the unit, where vents, lights, and scaffolding is apparent.
