Special FX in video games and film

Here is a small sampling of highly-efficient FX that I have made for retail video games. I chose video clips where my work is the most prominently displayed. In most cases, I used Petroglyph Games' proprietary FX software for their Glyph Engine. 

Image result for end of nations

End of Nations (cancelled MOBA) 

Control Center destruct state
(Rig, Animation, FX)

Boss Attack
(Model, Rig, Animation, FX)

I worked on everything you see from 3'22" through 4' 15" in this Gamespot interview.

Jump to 3 min 22 sec mark - https://youtu.be/Fx4_dZsisQU?t=3m22s
Including - Super weapon, fire, explosions, attack projectile FXs, Unit hit FXs, terrain hit FXs, vehicle tire tracks and smoke puffs. I did not do the flame thrower FX.

More amazing projectile and hit FXs.

Jump to 2 min 15 sec mark - https://youtu.be/4EOVuZDEswM?t=135

Giant industrial level hazard FX - Incredible fire!
Jump to 4 min mark - https://youtu.be/MRvOhZ2_7xI?t=240


Image result for sega universe at war game cover art

Universe at War (SEGA released PC & Xbox 360) I did lots more than just these few videos. I have years worth of examples.

Alien Super Weapons, Alien weapon Shots and hits, military turret attack FX, military projectiles, attack, hit - ambient level lights, ambient lights on building, ambient ground fires, ground hit decals.
Military vs first wave
Jump to 5 min mark -  https://youtu.be/ipsBmwnbZ-Q?t=5m

Aliens vs Military fight in progress
Jump to 7 min 38 sec mark -  https://youtu.be/ipsBmwnbZ-Q?t=7m38s

Alien using laser FX to carve a glyph. Glyphs made in 3d and combined with FX proxies and XML controlled the laser tracing pattern.

Jump to 1 min 15 sec mark - https://youtu.be/cV9UXz7hjcU?t=1m15s

Alien vs Novus army Battle in Progress

I did super weapons, attack weapons, hits, and ambient model FX.

Jump to 9 min 49 sec mark - https://youtu.be/cV9UXz7hjcU?t=9m49s













Mytheon (PC release) 

A long video with many examples of magic, attacks, hits, misses, upgrades, special attacks, and environmental FX I did.

blue Spawn FX, environmental fire FX, attack FX, idle FX , miss FX on characters with magic,

Jump to 1 min 46 sec mark - https://youtu.be/Ql6KYTx8Vyg?t=1m46s

Casting magic FX, attack projectiles FXs,  hit FX, miss FX

Jump to 7 min 38 sec mark - https://youtu.be/Ql6KYTx8Vyg?t=7m38s

Projectiles and Level-UP! FX

Jump to 8 min 8 sec mark - https://yJuoutu.be/Ql6KYTx8Vyg?t=8m8s

Looting Reward FX, loot crate anim and FX, player attack FX, fire FX, spider enemy idle, move, attack, hit, miss FX,

Jump to 1 min 9 sec mark - https://youtu.be/YsCnVMtJk_g?t=1m9s
